fusione campane incastellature campane automazione campane automazione porte orologi programmatori radiocomandi diffusione sonori impianti elettrici sistemi protezione volatili contratti manutenzione assistenza-riparazione studio ing. progetti preventivi e visite servizi-info news-servizi

Remote controls of our production, to control the bells and every remote electronic device, with electromagnetical waves. MODEL: KOSMO 1 (with different capacities).

The remote control includes: receiver with closed tinned cutout box, completed with logic cards and expansion and protection energy integrals; transmitter with push-button switches and timer to set the peal; whip antenna; comb antenna to set on the tower-bell; protection fuses; complete with tie cable and fixing bolts and nuts.

Our remote controls have a double security system and they can't be run with other devices.
automazione porte